Many people are discouraged from purchasing a luxury vehicle because of the sticker price and other costs. In addition, many people are already aware that buying a brand new car is a money-losing trap. Cars can lose as much as half their value in the first couple of years. Depreciation on luxury vehicles is more severe, which further discourages people. Read this!
It’s easy to solve this problem by purchasing used cars. Depreciation is eliminated when you buy a luxury used car from a preowned luxury car dealer. The quality of the pre-owned car will be excellent, and likely better than any typical model. Lastly, you need to know what brands have the best pre-owned luxury car deals. Here are some additional ideas.
1. Mercedes-Benz
It may appear that the Mercedes you are considering is priced reasonably at first but once you start customizing it, you may find out that an additional $15,000 – $20,000 has been added! Used Mercedes-Benz models are a great way to save money and still enjoy the quality of the German masterpiece. The interiors have high-tech components and a luxurious look, so it feels brand new, even if the car is 2 years old.
2. BMW
The German auto giant provides a vast range of vehicles for a wide variety of budgets. BMW makes everything, from compacts, to sedans all-electric cars, to SUVs or supercars. Every model from this brand, no mater the price, has a professional feel. It’s perfect for those who are in business because it gives a sense of power in your field. By buying used, you’ll be able to reach higher selections, such as the highly desired M range.
3. Audi
Audi cars offer a unique combination of simplicity, power, and elegance. This is something that no other marque can match. Since the early 1990s, Audi cars have been known for their iconic black/red interiors. They are reliable powerhouses that come with elegant features. The standard A4 may be the best option for your budget, but it doesn’t project the same success and strength that the S6.
4. Tesla
Tesla’s brand is for the eco-conscious who don’t want to give up their stylish edge. Unfortunately, the price of newer models is often sky-high. Tesla’s incredible engineering and attention, as well as the fact that it is an all-electric vehicle with lower maintenance costs, make it seem brand new, regardless of when you buy it. All the top used car sellers in Dubai know it.
5. Maserati
You thought this list didn’t include Maserati, a super brand? Shame on us! You can buy Maserati or similar models for less money by buying used. What makes a used Maserati a good buy? Maserati has one of the highest prices for new cars. By buying used, you can avoid the trap of paying new prices and still enjoy interiors with high quality, powerful engines, and Italian engineering and style.